On Friday night, we arrived home from a week at the ocean. Considering how frightening and worrisome the past month and a half has been for my family, I was sure we were ready for a happy adventure. A visit to the sea seemed like just the thing to recharge our spirits. Looking back, I…
An update
Thank you for all of the love and support these past weeks. I’m thrilled to report that my father is slowly recovering from his heart attack. He has a long road ahead of him, but he is a determined guy with three grandchildren who need him back on the beach, digging in the sand. Your…
right now
Dear friends, I will be missing from this place in the days ahead due to a very sad and difficult situation in my family. Please send my father love and light. Any bits of strength and love for me and my family are most welcome too. Love, Emily
holiday treats
Frothy chai made with our fancy new milk frother. I still like using my hand pump one that was handed down to us last year by my Aunt. This does make the milk hot, though, as Tom likes to remind me. And, it is really fun to watch it happen as my friend Lea likes…
r e d
I’ve been enamored by the colors in our backyard. Our biggest maple tree was rusty red on Thursday, and by Saturday it turned fiery red, and by Sunday, when the wind and rain had cleared, almost all of the leaves had fallen off of the tree. Towards the end of Sunday afternoon the light was…
f a i r y
Chick and I made fairy houses or as she likes to call it, “the big fairy hotel.” She spent lots of time loading up their abodes with crab apples just in case they happen to find themselves a little snacky. This kind of outdoor play makes me think of The Girl From the North‘s recent…
w e e k e n d
I do actually have some crafty things to post about. There is the back to school (a little late, I know) story stone series that I have been plugging away at since the summer, and a little felt necklace that I have been scheming up. But, lately, all I seem to want to post about…
o l d
Our super fun friend and neighbor, Erica, wrote late Saturday night suggesting the possibility of driving an hour east to Old Sturbridge Village for a little adventure. I love historical villages. I just do, and I’m willing to be frank about it. There is something about the DIY, use everything, waste nothing, practical, horse drawn…
This past Saturday we went on an adventure to Greenport, NY. After waking up bright and early, we drove two hours south to New London, CT where we met up with my parents and took a ferry boat across the Long Island Sound to Greenport, NY. There, we visited family and played at a private…
a hoot
We’re back from our trip to the coast of Maine, and we had so much fun! The food highlights were clam chowder, lobster-on-the-go [read: fresh lobster tail mixed with mayo on a grilled hot dog bun], baked, stuffed haddock, and breakfast for dinner at our favorite Portsmouth, NH breakfast place, The Friendly Toast. Chick is…
last week
Our past week was full of swimming, playing, eating, and boating at Grandma and Grandpa’s lake house. We spent the time with our family, and the girls got to play with their adorable, sweet California cousin who they, sadly, only get to visit with twice a year. Above is a picture of her with Miss…
What could possibly be the occasion for such fancy feet? Nanny Ruth turned 90! And, oh my, did we celebrate. There were flowers and cake, spoken memories and dancing, and a guest of honor who was reminded of how loved she truly is. When people tell stories about Nanny they almost always mention her smile…
summer, orange, and a necklace give-away
Okay, so it is definitely summer – in the best way possible. We’ve been having some warm days with kind of cool nights along with some thunderstorms here and there. At the end of the day I’m hot, sticky, and my legs ache (I know – total wimp situation here) from all of the climbing…
fancy father’s day breakie plans
We plan on making the papa in our house a special, fancy Father’s Day breakfast tomorrow morning. The girls and I are thinking that dark coffee with cream, ham and cheese omelettes, crispy toast with jam, and a big bowl of sweet strawberries from our CSA farm will make a nice menu. We gave him…