* local strawberries and cream
* lemonade stand preparation
* my Aunt Lynn’s blooms
* Saturday at Aunt Lynn’s pool (w/ Prosecco and lime)
* ten minutes ago in our backyard.
[Edited because I forgot to make note of each photograph]
Happy summer solstice! We are celebrating the entrance into summer with some backyard hose action and homemade strawberry yogurt pops.
How will you celebrate?
xo e
That is no backyard hose action! That is a blue, blue swimming pool with a margarita. xo
True, true. That photo was from Saturday. I’ll post a grassy feet, glass of water Wednesday photograph soon. xo
I’m glad you posted this – I bought lemons to make the summer’s first batch of your lemon syrup this week, and had set out this exact juice carafe to send to you as a little gratitude treat for this deliciousness that I will surely make all the summers of my life. Now I know I need to come up with some different mail! Twins.