Chick’s Kindergarten year in a nutshell:
:: dandelion chains
:: after school playground romping
:: secret meetings under the slide
:: snowy tromps to school
:: shirts snipped by a flurry of scissor cutting
:: quiet book reading all by herself on the couch
:: our last kisses goodbye
:: a big backpack on a little body
:: playing the telephone game
:: cylinder, cones, cubes, and spheres
:: her sign “Der turtl. Pls do not mke yor tnk ovr flo agan” taped to Turtle’s tank
:: chocolate milk on Wednesdays
:: pig tails
:: climbing high
:: book making
:: “you’re on fire!” (when things are going well)
:: knock knock jokes and riddles
:: pure joy when I visited the classroom (will this always be?)
:: the art closet (her favorite)
:: her favorite number – “whatever age I am, so it is 5 right now” (in October)
:: bug bites and band aids
:: bike rides
and my sweet wide eyed child
one school year older
I made special, personalized appliqued bags for each of the teachers in Chick’s classroom.
An apple for her teacher. It is made with one of Chick’s shirts that was snipped while she was busily cutting. Chick likes to cut paper. A lot.
A magic wand for Ms. Fox who cut school one day to see a Harry Potter movie in the theater, and was totally busted. Ha! She’ll like this.
For Mrs. Fay who loves shoes. Chick tells me that she calls herself the “shoe shoe lady.”
Off I go, in the pouring rain, to pick-up my girls, and to welcome the long, promising, stretch of summer that lies ahead.
I like how endings are oftentimes also beginnings.
xo e
These bags are GORGEOUS!! Oh my goodness, my baby girl just graduated from preschool, next fall is the big K — I can’t believe it! Happy Summer vacation to you! ~Melissa
Thanks so much, Melissa! Joni Mitchell was kind of right when she sang about being “captive on a carousel of time.” Don’t you just want to pause life for a little bit? Happy summer to you as well!