It rained for most of the weekend, but the sun came out at the end of Sunday, and I found even more spring busting out around our home. Sorry if you guys super sick of me documenting spring in my backyard. I can’t help it. But, first spring inside the house.
We had an early Passover dinner at my parents’ home. There was much talk about rebirth and renewal. And some toasting and tears for my Nanny who wasn’t there. She was kind of there, though, in a really profound way. With every single morsel of tradition, I was reminded of her smile and warm voice. I envisioned her rocking with pride as Chick read the four questions (it is first year she could do it on her own). She would have said, “Oh! My bubbala! That was wonderful!” And, she’d tell me how proud she was of my matzo ball soup. It was the perfect first holiday to celebrate without her because it is the one that reminds us about the continuation of life and the strength of the human spirit. We dipped the sweet, tender greens into salty water to remind us of our tears, but not five minutes later we were toasting our sweet wine and grape juice to celebrate how far we have come. And, how much further there is to go.
And, so there is renewal. And, rebuilding. There are lands to create and stories to tell.
And, buds to gaze at
And, chives to nibble. (The chives weren’t up last weekend)
There is so much beauty surrounding us.
Happy Passover Emily! One of my favorite holidays growing up…I need to start celebrating it again!
Thanks, Lisa. And, to you to. For me, celebrating Passover is all about tradition, and passing on my fond memories from when I was young.
Wow very nice, thanks a lot for sharing this with us and what a great idea to celebrate it again, you can’t beat it.