This place with its never ending lake of still, dark water, with its warm breakfasts and musky, old pine smell
with its sweet little cottages and porches meant for contemplation
with morning ice delivery , soft wooded paths, thick moss patches, and draping ferns.
This place is beautiful and magical, and was filled with moments of pure peace.
I began the week with Maya’s workshop and was instantly inspired by her kind and gentle ways. She carefully and thoughtfully transformed our beautiful classroom into a softly lit, flower filled space. It was just so easy to be there. There was a moment right before lunch when I realized that I was going to walk through the woods, eat a hearty salad, and then get to continue my artwork afterward, and it became abundantly clear that I was exactly where I needed to be.
And, don’t even get me started on lovely, lovely Maya. Simply put, my heart understands hers.
Oh, and I am now kind of obsessed with making wonky, uneven borders.
A table filled with freezer paper stenciling with bright colors on simple cloth.
My second class was with the uber talented Lizzy House who so passionately and clearly taught the linoleum block printing class. Since I am self taught, and I hadn’t used linoleum to carve, I thought it would be nice to witness the teaching process. It was the perfect blend of instruction and free time to carve to my heart’s delight. I carved two little mice and the hunk of cheese. Later this week, I’m planning on carving them again only playing with the negative and positive spaces a bit more.
And, I learned to knit (again)! Megan whispered the sweetest words of encouragement as I plugged away on my pebbly gray scarf. I’ll post a picture when I’m finished.
A huge hello to my Nirvana cabin friends who shared stories, laughs, wine, and lots of porch lounging with me. I was so inspired by the creative energy found in our nook in the woods. Check out Susan’s CSA fiber farm. Just look at those little lambs! Eeeep! And, oh! her wool is just beautiful. And, a shout-out to the hysterical, engaging Maggie whose husband is an artist who makes bowls and jewelry out of vinyl. The necklaces are out of this world nifty!
So, here I am, reunited with my dear hearts at home, and feeling lucky. Rejuvenated. Excited. And eager to be knee deep in my art.
Thank you, dear mom, for gifting this experience to me. It was exactly where I wanted to be and you were the exact person I wanted to share it with.
Hi! I’m back from Squam, too, and I’ve been wearing one of your little wooden necklaces non-stop. It is red and has a mushroom stamp on it and it makes me happy everytime I see it! I bought it at the Art Sale on Saturday. I was in your block printing class (I was the one struggling to get a good print of my popsicle stamp). You did a lovely capturing the spirit of the place with your photos!
Hi Olisa –
Thanks so much for writing! I remember when you bought the mushroom necklace, but I didn’t put it together that you were the popsicle print person! How wonderful! I’m so happy you are enjoying it. I think your popsicle carving was SUPER high on the cute scale! I hope you can work out the printing kinks, and make some satisfying prints with it.
Keep in touch!
My favorite bunk mate…there was no one I would have rather been with than you….xxoo
Hi, Emily!
What fun! You went to art camp and I LOVE your pictures! I love the cabin smell and the green canopy of ferns and leaves. You are smart.
You cute thing. I got to see your picture over at maya made!
p.s. if this shows up as “ben” you know it’s really me.
Hi Emily,
Loved meeting you and your lovely mom at Squam! You are a fantastic crafter. My daughters are fighting over who gets to wear the cute bird necklace I bought for me!! Hope to keep in touch!
Love, Carol a Nirvana cabin mate
Hello Carol, my friend –
I, too, loved spending days with you at Squam. *Your* crafting is fantastic! I’m so happy your daughters approve of your new necklace. Keep in touch! xoxxo