Some fabric wall panels in the corner of the guest room/office.
A dried fern on the hard, icy snow.
Phew. I feel like I was a little too much inside my head this week. Lots of little twists and turns led me to spend time circling words and information and what-ifs around and around and around. After some deep breaths, yoga, mucho slow dancing with chick, and a walk in the sun filled afternoon, I feel so much better.
I’ll have a Valentine’s Day craft or two next week to share.
I wish you a cozy, restful, peaceful weekend.
xo e
is everything ok dear? we’re around this weekend if you want to take a walk! I love all the green! Greener days ahead! xo E
I love the simple elegance found here. Happy.
I love the fabric wall panels! And, also important, I figured out how to comment!
I love those green fabric panels, Emily. I hope this is a calmer week for you!
Such a cute collage!