Last week, while running into our local lumber yard/hardware store to pick up some paint swatches, I noticed big (huge even) $4.00 plastic netted bags of scrap lumber greeting me on my way in. I asked the guy behind the counter if the wood is loaded up with chemicals and he assured me that I could gnaw on it or burn it and be perfectly fine. The wood is all oddly shaped and rough, and I couldn’t be more excited. Really. I’d take the bag of wood over ice cream sundaes every night for a week or five sunny days in a row, but definitely not over escaping the flu and maybe not over the pair of boots I have my eye on either.
I sanded them, but left many of the imperfections because those are what makes the surface interesting. Then, I merrily busted open my bag of milk paint and coated a bunch of them in a moody, foggy shade of slate gray. The color makes me think of dusk at the ocean. I have all sorts of ideas for them. The first one I made was the bird (no foggy gray here),
I’ve been a bit consumed with creating simple groups of images using fabric, felt, paint, found paper, and my handcrafted stamps. This evening I used the letter p. Plant, pins, present.
I made the safety pin stamp last night, and I’m quite happy with it. There are some spots where the milk paint is a bit uneven, so I plan on making another one just like it today. More letters and more board art to come.
There are picture hangers on the back, and a few of them will be in my shop next week.
xo e
Those are soooo nice! Love the P for picture perfect.
Love those, Emily! I was trying to decide which was my favorite (so I could tell you), but I can’t choose. They’re all perfect.
So sweet! I love the colors. The bird one might be my favorite.
Hey, maybe sometime we could do an art swap?
Thanks you guys!
Kelly: yes! yes!