We plan on making the papa in our house a special, fancy Father’s Day breakfast tomorrow morning. The girls and I are thinking that dark coffee with cream, ham and cheese omelettes, crispy toast with jam, and a big bowl of sweet strawberries from our CSA farm will make a nice menu. We gave him his present this evening because Chick had ants in her pants and felt too excited to wait until the morning. I figure that spreading out the gifts and breakfast will just make the celebration last a little longer. Chick picked out two lovely purple and orange Asters at our local garden center (one is from her and one is from Miss Mouse), and I picked out a new wired headset for his mobile phone since we both decided that the blue tooth requires too much upkeep. Raising two small children AND remembering to charge a battery every two days is apparently too much responsibility for us.
Chick and I made wrapping paper by stamping a sheet of craft paper with some random sheep and clouds, and then I made a papa circle hanging tag with a little message on the back. It was meant to be hung downstairs in his tool area, but Miss Mouse decided that it was the perfect toy to play with mid-meal, which means that it is covered in tomato sauce, butter, strawberry juice, and whipped cream. I’m feeling like it is still perfectly fine for hanging, right?
xo e
p.s. Hey, Tom. I love that when you look at our kids, you can’t help but sigh and mutter under your breath about how cute they are. Can we go to the local beer bar and hold hands sometime soon? Happy father’s day today and tomorrow. I heart you. xo e
Hi, The Other Emily!
It sounds like you ladies gave Tom an awesome Father’s Day weekend. I’m loving your crafts and am so impressed by your blogging abilities. Glad you found my fledgling blog. I still have so much to learn 🙂 Comments make my day, too, so thanks!!
Give your girls a hug from me.
xoxo, emily