Shortly after we arrive home from picking Chick up from preschool, Miss Mouse beds down for her afternoon nap. The house becomes sleepy and quiet. On sunny days, the living room floods with light. While I chop and melt and spread, Chick usually begins to gather supplies for the daily birthday party or picnic that begins promptly after lunch. Sometimes I bring a present to the party – often, the gift is “real food” like a small plate of cookies for all of the party goers to share, which means that Chick and I nibble cookies in a heavily blanketed and crowded corner of the room. Yes, sometimes it has to be about me, too. After party time we usually play a game or do a craft project. Yesterday, after the party, we got crafty together and painted little wooden people. Chick says that the person in the picture below is a girl who is wearing a mask. She finds masked people creepy, so I think it rocks that she put one on her doll.
I became inspired to make these wee friends after I stumbled upon gemmielou’s etsy shop a few weeks ago. They are the perfect little pocket dolls. I found the little wooden figures online at A Child’s Dream Come True (thanks Ariana) or you can buy them at gemmie’s shop (I forgot that she sold the unpainted kind). I used the craft paint that I had in my stash and a fine tip pen for their eyes.Chick made her dolls on big clothespins, so they are extra tall. Once we make a few more, I think it will be fun to dress them up in dresses and crowns and capes and wee party hats. I might even paint on some buttons, a bow tie, some pockets – maybe even mouths. Adventurous, I know.
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I remember you telling me about the mask thing, that is so great that she made a masked doll! Very brave. Those muffins above look so good.